Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Thursdays with Svea

Since Obamacare has made my health insurance agent job both miserable and obsolete, I picked up some extra work on Thursdays taking care of a darling 16-month old named Svea.  She's blonde.  She's sassy.  She's the easiest baby on the planet.  And it almost makes me feel like I might be able to handle three children one day.  We haven't ventured out of the house yet though, so I'll let you know how that goes.  We know Svea's parents from our single days and are happy to help them out, as Leif is working tirelessly on his doctorate and Jodi teaches music at McPolin Elementary.

Toddlers can be both territorial and possessive, and on the rare occasion, Aiden and Svea share some discontent.  See below.  

But most of the time, they sit quietly next to each other and parallel play.  Cate Coonradt comes to play sometimes as well.  These are three cute munchkins.

We love this little girl!  Can I have one please, Heavenly Father?  Pretty please?  Liam has been known to ask the same thing in his prayers.  I told him if he shows Mamma and Heavenly Father that he can be a good helper and friend to Svea, he might just be blessed with a baby sister one day.  (We'd welcome a brother too.)  Liam is rising to the challenge!  And so is Aiden, for that matter.  

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