Thursday, December 26, 2013

Officer Bret Goes to Preschool

On October 28, Liam had a more memorable-than-usual preschool day.  First of all, I co-oped which meant that it was Liam's "Special Day."  He always looks forward to leading circle time, giving the weather report and being line leader (he's a natural leader).  But there was much more that made it particularly special...

Liam's Uncle Bret (known to some as Officer Bret) came all the way from Bountiful to visit Shining Stars to talk about being a police officer!  The kids were in heaven.  I know my brother a little too well, so I'd be lying if I said I wasn't slightly worried about what Officer Bret would say to a group of 3-4 year olds, but he came through.  And Liam is now the most popular kid in class...  

Officer Bret talked a lot about what it means to be safe.  He showed them each of his tools and discussed their uses.  And he had a very frank, yet age-appropriate discussion about guns and gun safety (take that Shining Stars Parent Manual!)  The kids had a LOT to say about this topic which has been so repressed at school.  You are welcome to ask me my thoughts on this.  

At the end, Bret handed out badge stickers and temporary tattoos, so the kids could be REAL police officers.  

He was a huge hit.  Thanks so much for taking time out of your CRAZY schedule to come to preschool, big brother!  Little did the kids know that they were high-fiving a candidate for UT Attorney General (his day job)!

At the end of the day, the class celebrated Liam's 4th birthday by giving him a crown, singing to him and having a cupcake party.  What a way to cap off an already fantastic day!  

The next class day was the big Halloween party.  Mile's mom, Shannon, is the party planner and she goes ALL. OUT.  The classroom was literally transformed into a haunted mansion.  It pays to have a professional event planner as the preschool party mom.  

Notice Liam's knight get-up is missing the very important element no knight should be without…his sword!  (Because weapons, real OR imaginary are NEVER permitted inside the classroom.)

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