Friday, December 27, 2013

Liam Lately

LRC is a big shot four year old now and sweeter than ever (especially when he's minding first time).  He loves preschool, friends, dancing with Aiden, playing in the snow, skiing with Papa, building the longest train track you've ever seen, sword fights with Dadda, riding his scooter, racing Aiden around the kitchen island on the PlasmaCar, reading, Legos, playing doctor, card games, teaching his baby brother how to be a big boy, going to music class, and helping Mamma around the house.  He has impeccable timing; if we are in a public place, he always makes sure to announce loudly when he has to go poo-poo.  He is adamant that he is going to Disneyland on his mission to teach Captain Hook about Jesus and he always reminds us to say our prayers.  He has grown up so much in the last year and I'm so proud of the boy he's becoming.  

He recently had his 4-year check-up with Dr. Terry.  Of course, he wore his doctor costume to the visit and brought along his own stethoscope.  He was the talk of the clinic!  Here are the stats from his physical: 
  • Weight: 47 (>95th%)
  • Height: 41.4" (80th %)
  • BP: 96/63
  • Vision: 20/25
  • Dental: No cavities!  

Last month, Wes and I had our first Parent/Teacher conference.  Ms. B raved about Liam and his progress so far this year.  He got mostly "Mastered" marks, and only two "Working-On-Its" in the areas of sharing and fine-motor skills.  She mentioned he can be a little stubborn (nothing we didn't already know.)  Academically, he is far ahead of his peers, but socially, his maturity is about par with his peers. And that's why we're sending him to school instead of homeschooling, folks!  Above all, he is learning to love learning which was my primary objective for him.  

I can hardly keep up with the hilarious things Liam says on a daily basis.  I make a pact with myself every morning to listen, REALLY listen to him so that I can catch these precious moments.  And so, I can think of no better way to celebrate Liam than through his own thoughts and words.  Please excuse all of the potty talk.  What can I say, he's a four year old boy!  Enjoy!   

2/21/13 Making his animals talk to each other, "You're a stupendous-head!  Mom, aren't you glad I didn't say stupid-head?"

2/21/13 "Why does cheese melt?"

5/24/13 Liam told me he wants to be a peepee doctor to help people peepee better.  

5/24/13  "Someone who paints mountains is called an intertologist.  Someone who puts trees on the ground is called an olitologist."

5/25/13  "Mama, if you peepee your pants, you can always call me."  

5/27/13  Dadda wanted Liam to finish his dinner and asked, "Liam, where are you?"  Liam replied, "I'm right here in Utah!"

5/28/13 "This cargo makes cars go." 

6/10/13  Liam saw a lady in a fly-fishing magazine and said she was "pretty like my Mamma." 

6/20/13  Liam saw a truck that had a design on the back window where the wiper had streaked through dirt on the glass and he said, "Look, they have a rainbow on their car!"

6/22/13  "I'm sticking my tongue out to catch this slobber so it doesn't get on this nice floor.  (On the Donut Falls hike on a dirt path after he cried after falling down and scraping his knee.)

7/3/13 "Mamma, you know what I'm going to bring on my mission?  One turtle, a frog and some skateboards.  I'm really going to miss you on my mission.  You should come with me!"

7/26/13  "Can you go make my breakfast?  You're kinda bothering me."

7/26/13  "Mamma, you're really huge."  

7/29/13  Me: "A family group of lions is called a pride."  Liam: "Do lions have a Grammy?"

8/1/13 Me: "Liam, thank you so much for being so helpful today and holding your brother's hand in the store!"  Liam: "Oh, thank you for saying that, Mamma.  You're so thoughtful!"

8/14/13  At dinner, "Mamma, did you know that dung beetles eat poop?"

8/17/13  Liam on a hike: "Dadda, a bee keeps landing on me and I'm not really a flower."  

8/22/13  Me: "Liam, where did you learn to be so bossy?  "Bossy school." 

8/23/13  Liam was playing with a group of 8-10 year olds at Pinebrook Park when he got into a verbal battle with a girl.  He came to me crying and I told him that he didn't have to play with cranky people and to go play with someone else.  He walked back to the girl and said, "You're being very cranky; can you say you're sorry?"  And she did!  

8/28/13  "You know who makes swords?  A swordapologist."  

10/26/13 "A long time ago at the red park, Dempsey showed me her underwear and it was so pretty!"

10/21/13 Peter: "I have to go potty."  Liam: "Poopoo?"  Peter: "That's private!  Liam: "But aren't you my best friend?"

11/3/13  "Liam put a broom horizontally behind his back and said, "Look mom, I have a back mustache!"

11/23/13  "Mom, my peeper is sticking out of my underwear!  It's saying hello to the world!"

11/31/13  To Jessica, the babysitter, "So…are you enjoying your company here?"

12/1/13  Liam during prayer, "Please help me to do what I want so I can repent."  

This rosy-cheeked boy is the love of my life.  I look forward to endless adventures with him and don't want to miss a thing!  We love you, Liam Rawson Charles!  

1 comment:

Tracie said...

Dear goodness. Get this kid an agent.