Sunday, October 7, 2012

Goal Setting

Today, I experienced some serious personal revelation.  While I was listening to MOTAB sing for General Conference today, I thought, "every time I hear them, I long more than anything to be up there with them."  So, why not?  The audition process is grueling and not for those short on courage, but I have done everything they ask of prospective members many times before and excelled.  I can KILL IT at sight-reading.  Finding key tones, identifying pitch intervals?  Blending? Piece of cake.  I just feel like this is an achievable goal and would probably be one of the most fulfilling, spiritual experiences of my life.

And so now, before God and country (and my three blog readers), I pledge to audition for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sometime in the next 10 years.  If I don't make it, I will audition up to four times (over four years.)  I want my kids to be old enough that my frequent absence would not affect them negatively, and I can't wait too long or my voice will deteriorate as all voices do over time.

MOTAB accepts a very small percentage of those who audition.  But heck, Princeton only accepted about 9% of applicants when I got in, so these numbers rarely scare me off.  And if I don't make it, at least I will have tried.  No harm in that.

And besides, are there any more encouraging people with whom to be faced in an audition?  I heart you, Mack Wilberg!


Papa John said...

WOW, what a committment! But, I know there is some flexibility because one of my ward members from the Oak Hills 8th Ward made it several years ago. He sings with the Conference choir only occasionally, but he has the last two times. That is an ambitious goal.
Is Wes on board? Will you both try out, and let the grandparents sit the kids?

Unknown said...

Go for it babe! You'd be one of those hot MoTab chicks that the camera always pans to. Rachael can pave the way, maybe some day she'll be so solid that she can vouch for me and I'll stand a chance...