Sunday, August 19, 2012

In the Line of Fire

In light of the recent Jordanelle wildfire that evacuated Tracie's family yesterday and came within 1/2 mile of their home, I can't stop thinking how grateful I am for blog technology that preserves family memories somewhere other than an ignitible shoebox.  I have been running through the list of things I would take with me in case my house were about to burn down, kicking myself for thinking I would be sad without my new garage sale treasures I found yesterday!  All that really matters is that I have the sweet guys in these pictures and a well-kept blog to remember these early days...and my camera...and my computer...and my wedding dress...non-digital photos...Princeton diploma to prove I went there when I lose all of my brain cells being a mom...As Tracie mentioned, "Thank heavens we got the X Box out."  

True, losing stuff would be sad, and I would probably cry a LOT, but stuff is nothing in the big scheme of things, right?  THIS is everything.

I'm so grateful for my family, and I'm grateful we don't have to fend for ourselves in this world.  Thank you, firefighters.  Because home is worth preserving...

Is this not the most beautiful sight you've ever seen?

So happy that everyone is safe and sound back at home and that all of the homes were spared.  And here I thought we were safe in Park City from hurricanes, tornadoes, terrorists, tsunamis, etc!  We live across the street from a freaking mountain that could go up in flames any given dry summer. 

1 comment:

Tracie said...

I TOTALLY forgot my wedding dress. (Not that it would fit my pinky.)