Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Letter to My Son

My Dear Sweet Aiden Elijah, 

You're fifteen weeks old and stronger than ever (pictures taken at 12 weeks).  Please slow down...you're growing way too fast!  I cannot even put into words how much I love you.  Your smile could melt the ice caps.  And you give it so freely...we need only smile at you for you to return the gesture.  I love the way you bring your fists to your face and scrunch up your entire little body when you're extra happy.  It makes me melt into a billion little pieces.  It makes us think that maybe you love us just as much as we love you.  Is that even possible?  


Aiden, you had such a rough start to this life.  Your Mamma and Dadda prayed extra hard that you would make a full recovery.  We loved you even before we met you and nothing scared us more than seeing you struggle.  All of that seems like decades ago because now you are, well, perfect.  The experience was nothing less than faith building.  We are grateful to a loving Heavenly Father who knows and loves each of us as individuals and we want you to know of His immeasurable love for you.  What a blessing you are.   

You have started to hold your head up for long periods of time and you seem interested in the world around you.  You are especially fond of your older brother, who is more than happy to sing to you or "shoosh" you when you're upset.  Usually, you quiet down almost immediately.  I think the two of you will always be great friends.  I hope you make it a point to cultivate the relationships you have with your siblings throughout your life and that you always build each other up with support and love.  

You are so tall!  Off the charts, actually.  You're already wearing 6-9 month clothes and are in the 90th percentile in weight, the opposite of Liam.  Could basketball be in your future?  You are an excellent sleeper.  We usually put you down around 9pm and you usually don't wake up until about 7am, when you will nurse and go back to sleep for a couple more hours.  You sleep in your bassinet for the long haul and then snuggle us for the last couple of hours in the morning.  We love having you close to us.  You take good naps and the only times you're really upset are in the car.  You HATE driving.  And I mean HATE with lots of angry captial letters.  Red face, not enough deep breaths, lots of drool, clenched fists, legs kicking.  You let everyone know that you DO NOT APPROVE of your current state.  You scream until you completely exhaust yourself and then, if we drive far enough, you fall asleep.  But not before we nearly have a nervous breakdown on the way... It's a good thing you're so cute, or we'd probably eat you!  

You've only been here several short months, but I literally can't remember life without you.  You fit right in!  I hope you don't mind too much that I have to split my attention between you and your brother.  I'm only one person, but I hope you know that I love you both more than the moon and the stars...forever. 

Your Mamma

1 comment:

Papa John said...

A special heavenly being sent to the Wes and Rachael Charles family for eternity, as well as for many reasons which shall unfold throughout his mortal life. I am so very happy for you and your family.