Many thanks to Wes's parents who got all of the family in the tri-state area season passes to Lagoon! We have already gone a few times so far and had a blast. I, personally, can't wait to go back and experience the water park. Although I have a no-swimsuit-in-public rule for at least a year post-baby, I get so excited about water parks that I'm willing to amend my rule for this summer, as long as you don't bring your camera. With that said, thanks again for the stolen photos, Tracie! One of these days, I'll bring my own camera.

But enough about me...let's discuss Liam and the bumper cars. Despite dozens of explanations on how to operate them, my sweet boy still spends most of his time on the edge, completely at a loss as to how to make the darn thing budge. We stand on the side yelling his name and making huge circular motions, shouting "turn the wheel ALL THE WAY around!" His dedicated Dadda got the evil eye a few times from the 17-year old operator when he nearly jumped the gate to help his boy. Lay off, kid. Or hey, you could like help or something.
His cousins were such good helpers and tried their best to show Liam the bumper car ropes. I think it'll take a few more trips and he'll have it down pat. Good thing we have season passes.
This may be one of my favorite pictures of all time. Look at that face! Liam, you're not fooling anyone; you can't be too much of a bad-boy with a hat like that. Maddie and Decs are so sweet with their younger cousin and always make him feel like part of the crew.
Liam's latest obsession: squirt bottles. Less threatening than water guns and more practical for cooling off purposes. Liam never leaves home without one (we have about six.)
Yes, I took my three-month old to Lagoon. Didn't get much "amusement" in this trip, save watching everyone else frolic. This is what Aiden likes to think of as "over-stimulation."
I can't believe how little Aiden looks in these pictures...these were taken just a month ago. He's a giant now!
Looking forward to more Lagoon adventures this summer. Anyone care to join us? Anyone care to watch my boys while I go on Wicked over and over until I pass out because I'm a roller-coaster junkie? Speaking of, yay for not being pregnant this summer. (Sorry, Tracie.)