Monday, November 25, 2013

Park City Nursery Pumpkin Maze

One evening just before Halloween, I took my little family to the Park City Nursery for their cute little hay-bale maze.  It's nothing to write home about, unless you're around three feet tall.  Aiden LOVED running in and out of the hay tunnels!  And Liam's favorite part was getting chased by his Dada, who pretended to be a monster. 

You must ask Aiden to say "pumpkin" sometime.  "Kungkins!"  SO cute.  

It was a short but sweet visit.  We came a week earlier only to find out the guy was closing up shop half an hour early…They tried to do it again, but we begged and bartered.  "Think of the children!"

Fly, Aiden, fly! 

Obviously, Aiden is obsessed with doggies.  What toddler isn't?  Whenever he sees a picture of one, he leans his head down onto the page to snuggle it.  Well, he got a real-life opportunity at the nursery.  (Definitely need to get these boys a dog one day…)

Friends for life! 

1 comment:

Papa John said...

Aiden, Grandpa likes doggies too, and one day will have one again...
Can you say "Pumpkin" Aiden?