Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Big Stars Bright Nights

It's easy to forget date nights in the midst of a billion kid-centered activities, but back on August 31 as part of Wes's birthday, we went to Deer Valley for the One Republic/Sara Bareilles concert.  It was a beautiful, perfect night under the stars with excellent music.  It was fun being flirty with the hubster.  We've still got it.  

I couldn't believe how rude the crowd was during Sara Bareilles' set!  She's one of my favorite female artists (did you know she wrote Gravity when she was only 19?), even though she forgot some of the lyrics to her own songs.  She was probably distracted by the snooty PC crowd.  Look at all of those late people standing up in front!  The talking was louder than the stereo system.  Shame!  

It was funny how much the altitude seemed to affect all of the vocalists.  They were like, "I can usually hit that note, but not on a mountain..."  

One Republic was insane.  I'm obsessed. They played most of their "old" stuff like Apologize, and almost all of their new album, Native.  They are from Colorado, so they love the mountains and have vowed to play in Park City every year because they love it so much.  I will definitely be back, and Wes wasn't a bad date, if I do say so myself. 

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