Friday, September 6, 2013

San Luis Obispo 2013: Part 2

Monday, July 14th was the official start to the reunion.  Milli and I, being the most awesome aunts in the universe, took seven children under nine years old to Avila Beach by ourselves in the Party Bus.  And you know what?  Maybe we are cut out for this parenting thing!  Everybody survived AND had fun!  Go us.  But don't get too children is NOT in my future.  Tracie and Mike took over for us at the end.  Seven probably isn't that different than four, I'm thinking.  

Sweet Dominic, eating one of the few things he can now that he has been diagnosed with every stinking allergy on the planet.  

Mmmm...Sand-dipped Lollipops.  Crunchier than usual.

Let's play a game and count how many fat rolls Charly has!  Oh my gosh, I want to squeeze her all the time.

I hope Jesse got a shower in that day.

Next stop was a little hike with Travis and Kevin's families (minus Kevin and Aiden) just steps from the Spanish Villa.  So picturesque.  Some of these need to be framed...

Group shot, minus me, as always.  I LOVE these.  Grapes of Wrath style.

Someone figured out how to keep Aiden in one place while we were hiking.

Despite a debilitating back injury, Grandpa came to the reunion because everyone knows he looks forward to this over almost anything else!  We saw him once in awhile for occasional meals because he was holed up in his bed on serious meds.  It looked like he was in serious pain most of the time and we're hoping he recovers soon.  In fact, every night, Liam's prayer includes "And please bless that Grandpa's back gets better."

1 comment:

Papa John said...

Thank you Liam...that is very sweet.
2014 will be my year!