Friday, September 6, 2013

San Luis Obispo 2013: Part 1

After much back-and-forth on the location of this year's Charles Family Reunion, someone decided it would be in San Luis Obispo, CA, the site of the Kevin Charles family new home and possibly one of the most beautiful parts of California- straight out of a John Steinbeck novel.  To minimize costs, we decided we would brave a six hour drive to Las Vegas and hop on an Allegiant flight from there to Santa Maria, where Kevin would pick us up.  As per tradition, our kids broke into a screaming fit somewhere around Parowan which lasted a little less than an hour.  Thank goodness for modern technology and bribery!  They loved watching Peter Pan and using the Etch-a-Sketch, but the biggest hit may have been the $1 pinball machine I got them at Michael's.  Go figure.  We got into Vegas around 10pm and stayed the night at the Las Vegas Hotel & Casino.  It was QUITE the journey.  First major road trip for our family of four, if you don't count the 18-hour travel days it took us to get to and from Nassau.  I have to say, my guys did a pretty great job!  Such handsome travel companions, don't you think?

We decided to face Aiden's carseat forward for the trip even though AAP recommends waiting until they turn two (he's as tall as a two-year old.)  He was ECSTATIC.  I think I would go crazy if I had to look at a wall for six hours.  

After a long journey, we finally made it to SLO, and this is pretty much how we all felt: 

I can't put into words how much I love Kevin and Kimberly's new property.  It is 100% my style and I will look forward to visiting them throughout the years to see what improvements they've made.  It's about 10 minutes outside of town, but feels like a secluded county Spanish-style villa.  Wes is lucky I came home at all.  

We arrived a couple of days before everyone else, so we got the private tour of the town and their home.  They seem extremely happy.  Did you know that there is a Farmer's Market twice a week all year long??  

Liam was especially excited to hang out with his older cousins (who have grown about a FOOT.)

And Aiden was happy to get to know them from afar.

We spent a lot of time in what we like to call the "Party Bus."  This giant Mercedes seats at least two families.  

On Saturday evening, we visited Avila Beach.  Aiden was happy to be back in the sand.

These are the last known photos of the face mask.  Liam thought he would see what might happen if he let a wave carry it to sea.  Would it come back?  Apparently not.

We were able to attend Kevin and Kimberly's ward on Sunday, the same ward where Mike spent part of his childhood.  Coincidentally, Tracie and Mike's family met up with us there after their grueling 12-hour+ journey with four children.  And I thought half the time with half the kids was challenging...  

Love these boys to pieces.  

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