Friday, February 22, 2013


Liam is in swimming lessons for the second season in a row, but this is his first year without his parents in the pool with him.  He is in the Starfish class.  BIG guy.  He's learning how to float, hold his breath under water, kick and how to use his survival instincts to his advantage.  He's loving it, except when someone (ahem...Molly Jackson...ahem) brings a glass bottle to the pool and it breaks by the pool and then class is canceled...yeah, not so fun.

This is the "class is canceled but I already got wet" look.  

"Who brings glass to the pool?"  Our friend, that's who.  

Our next visit was much more successful.  Liam is a good listener and excellent tadpole, except when he's making mischief by instigating splash wars with older girls...

Miss Crystal is the best.  

Liam likes the new Nemo slide, but he's so used to the huge yellow slide at the Kamas Pool that slides this small are small-time.

Don't worry, Aiden.  We'll do a Parent-Tot class one of these days.  Let's focus on walking for the time being...

1 comment:

Papa John said...

Mu Mu and Grandpa have been to one of those swim lessons of Liam to watch him learn how to swim...I can tell he is becoming more confident and excitable in the water. I can hardly wait for the family swim party at Kamas this weekend, and watching Liam come down that BIG YELLOW SLIDE!