Friday, June 10, 2011

Rawson Reunion: Grammy's House

As the Daniel Rawson's fam visit came to a close, the cousins enjoyed playing together at Grammy and Papa's house.  If there is any indication from the way they interacted with Baby Liam, Kaleb and Isaac are going to be awesome big brothers.  

Beautiful faces.  Great camera work, Papa!

Until about last week, Liam was terrified of this elephant.  We saw it nearly every time we visited T.J. Maxx (twice a week?) Liam would ask to see "el-phunt?", but then not want to get too close.  It makes an elephant sound when you pet its back and moves its trunk around.  To Liam, it is real.  We would ask Liam if he wants us to "make it go" and he responds with a quick, short "No?", shaking his head.  He's much braver now, and "makes it go" regularly.  But Grammy hasn't taken it out of it's packaging, just in case he changes his mind... 

1 comment:

Grammy/Mimi/Buggy said...

What a great week! And, what sweet faces!!! (No Otto Preminger moments with Sam and Garrett though... They were constantly on the move at Lagoon, going from one horrendous roller coaster to another... EEEK!) And, HOORAY!!! Lindsay will be home in August!!! We've SO missed her!!!!

Now, if only we can find a UT company that needs a fantastic/extremely talented CEO... we'll get Daniel & fam. back here for good! (Beware, Dell... Grammy's on the hunt! :-)

Congrats, Liam, for conquering your fear of the "elephunt!" You are a brave, brave Baby Boy!!!

Thanks for keeping this record, Rach! It's a great treasure!