Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Spring Fever

Our angel baby had a rough day.  He was all set for a playdate with some new friends this morning, but started whining non-stop starting at around 9:30am.  He was telling me "hurt, owie" over and over and I scanned his entire body to find the culprit.  Finally, I put him down for an early nap at 10:30am and he woke up with a 100.7 fever, which got to a high of 101.1 over the course of the day.  He was pretty much miserable all day, so we spent most of the time rocking him and reading books.  Poor guy.  I'm guessing his "well" visit had something to do with this...The moral of the story?  Stay out of the doc's office!

The last time this sleeping-out-of-his-crib thing happened successfully, he was a newborn.  Wes was in heaven, although he wished it had been under different circumstances.  Notice Liam clutching his security-glasses...   

I've never seen him sit so still to watch Sesame Street. 

In other news, look what the sweet little guy got his mama for Mother's Day!  Selfless little boy.  Green favorite!


Mimi (Grammy) said...

Awwww... Sweet Baby Boy! Dog-gone vaccinations... Tough but necessary...

And, green roses... (Liam already knows the way to his Mama's heart! Good Boy!!!)

Get well, Scooter Pooter!

Papa John said...

Some tough days for the little one. I love to see father and son pics like those you posted Rachael. Hope for a quick recovery, by tomorrow night if possible!

Tracie said...

Ok, so we took Dominic to get shots today. CHILD ABUSE. Next kid, I am not taking until they are six months old, and then they get one a month. I don't care if it costs me a million bucks in co pays. He has been screaming his head off all day, poor little guy. Nothing is worse than seeing you child suffer, and not being able to do anything about it!