Monday, May 2, 2011

Liam Lately

Liam is back at the top of the charts once again, measuring in the 96th percentile for weight and head circumference and 93 percentile for height.  Dr. Terry told me that the fruit-only diet he's been demanding this week is not something to be overly concerned about; he has plenty of chubs to spare.  

While chart-topping was part of the well-child visit conversation, Dr. Terry made sure I was aware that his language skills are VERY advanced.  She said, "No really, I mean he is far FAR beyond his peers in this area."  She was amazed as Liam told her all about the objects and colors in the room, and he was happy to oblige until she started poking around in his ears and mouth.  And he made sure we knew that he could have done without the vaccination.

Liam knows the following colors (as in, when he sees one, he'll tell you): white, yellow, orange, green, red, blue, purple, pink.  He can count to 10 with a little help and will say several of the numbers if he sees them in print.  If there are a couple of objects in one place, he will say "one, two!"  He especially loves filling in the words to songs like "You Are My Sunshine," "I Am a Child of God," "Teach Me to Walk in the Light," "Liam, Liam," as well as every book he owns.  I wouldn't be surprised if he started reading them to us soon.  Sometimes I catch him singing "Bad boys, bad boys" and "Ice, ice baby" in his high-chair, but his favorite song is the Glee Cast version of "Singing in the Rain/Umbrella."  If you ever hear him singing "Eh, eh, eh", that would be it.

I'm amazed every single day at his aptitude for new information; he's a total sponge.  We have to be careful what we say in front of him, because he will mimic nearly every word.  His favorite new phrases are "gosh darnit!", "oh boy!", "hey, dude", "hey man", and "thank you, mama."  How many 18 month olds do you know who can make two-word combos, like "yellow shirt" and "blue car"?  It's insane.  

Did I mention that he beat-boxes.  I'm totally serious.  Roaring 20 would be proud.  

The other night, Wes was putting Liam to bed and they were saying prayers (per Liam's request.)  Wes said a simple prayer and started naming things that they were thankful for, "Mama, Dada, parks, pools, trees, doggies..."  Wes hesitated to let Liam chime in and Liam said "Mimi..."  Are you in love yet?

Glasses.  Liam's second love (after the guitar.)  The greatest gift one could give Liam is to let him try on your glasses.  He is happiest eating, playing, reading and relaxing while wearing glasses.  I have no idea where this came from.  With two nearly blind parents, Wes and I can only hope that Liam will be able to avoid actually needing them...although I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

Pretty sure he thinks he's totally rad wearing these particular shades...

Liam has discovered his belly button, and he is convinced that by pressing another's "button," he can activate an electric reaction that sets off an exciting seizure-type explosion.  If you find Liam trying to lift up your shirt, it is most likely to find your BB, and you WILL be expected to perform ("ZZzzzz!!!")

Liam loves his friends, especially Peter.  Last night when I was putting his to bed, he sighed "Peter. Toys."  I hope they remain friends for a long time; I would love for them to experience growing up in Park City together.  I hope they will keep each other out of trouble.  Liam also loves it when we visit Zuzu, Emma's almost-2 month old baby girl. In fact, he tried to climb in her cradle with her to take a nap when I babysat her last week.  He's going to be a good big brother one day! George lives two doors down and he and Liam have a great time playing with the race-track together in nursery.   He also loves hanging out with his many cousins!

He still can't get enough of the kitchen.  So many things to open and take out!  What could be better?  

We keep thinking that his cuteness is peaking, but it never happens.  I absolutely love this stage even though I literally break my back carrying all thirty-one pounds of him up and down the many stairs in our house.  Our love for him grows daily, as do his rolls.  He brings more joy to our lives than I ever imagined and I'm so proud to be his mama!  


Papa John said...

I am just so happy for both of you, and that all (count em), nine, grandchildren, who are so healthy.
With Liam, Maddie, Jesse, and Avery, who hovers over Brooklyn, they will all be great examples and teachers for their younger siblings...
Blessings on ya Rachael and Wes!

Mimi (Grammy) said...

Be still, my heart!!! To be remembered in the prayer of this sweet baby... Is a gift I'll treasure and remember forever...

Oh Liam... how your Mimi and Papa love you...