Sunday, January 15, 2012

On Christmas Morn

Some rearranging of schedules was required this Christmas, as the big day fell on a Sunday.  So, the three-point-five of us opened stockings from Santa around 9am after Liam woke up, enjoyed an hour of church and didn't get to the rest of the loot until late that evening because we hosted the Charles family for Christmas dinner (my first time hosting Christmas...lots of work...yikes.)

Wes and I sang in the ward choir Christmas day and the lovely bishop's wife was sweet enough to hang out with our boy during the two numbers.  Liam loves to practice with us at home...

The best Christmas gift in the universe below...

I have so much to be grateful for in 2011, with these two handsome specimens topping the list.

Seriously, there is nothing I love more than my sweet boys.

Opening the rest of the gifts Christmas night was a little...confusing due to several Charles-kids-who-shall-remain-nameless.  I think they saw a bunch of gifts under the tree and must have thought, "Hey, we should help out this poor family; they haven't even opened their gifts yet!"  So, if we haven't thanked you for personally for your lovely gifts, it's probably because we have no idea who they are from...With that said, thanks so much to Maddie's family for the virtual schmorgesborg of presents for Liam!  He's obsessed with all of his Thomas paraphenalia, and while we had to take back the computer (compoodle) and sherpa set because he already had them, he LOVES both of those as well (you have very good taste.)  Thanks SO much to Grandpa and MoMo for the moolah which purchased a brand new Bluray player and digital camera for the Charles fam.  What a wonderful treat!  Liam also thanks you for the jammies and books, both totally essential to his happiness in life.   

And it must be said, that Santa totally came through this year and brought Liam "paint" and a "Thomas movie", per his request.  Great job, Santa!  P.S. Mamma got some really cool galoshes and tall leather boots and Dadda got a tool set and matching Polo sweaters for he and Liam.  Don't they look dapper?  Dadda also gave Mommy a book of tickets good for various types of massages, courtesy of a loving hubby.  Christmas morn + evening was a success!  

1 comment:

Papa John said...

Nicely done everyone...Can't wait for the new arrival...I hear his name might even be Boyd Duke???