Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Princeton Reunions- Part I

This past May, I dragged my little family across the country to dirty jerz for my 5th Princeton reunion.  Navigating airports with a baby, stroller, car seat, suitcases and diaper bag is an award-worthy task.  Baby Liam was a trooper (and a pooper), but next time, I want a direct flight.

He was like this for about 10 minutes...

And like this for a few hours...Yeah.

I feel exhilarated when I'm back at my alma mater.  I wouldn't say that I feel like I belong there, because to be honest, I never really did.  I always kind of felt like it was a fluke that I got in and a miracle that I graduated.  But hey...I did it.  And my four years there were frickin' awesome.  It was about time Wes got to experience a glimpse of my other life (which in NO way resembles my life now.)

Liam didn't make any baby-friends at my 5th (he'll have more luck at my 10th.)  While we didn't see any munchkins among my mostly-unmarried classmates, he had a grand old time harassing mama's old buddies.  Uncle Eliot!  

Wes loved the castle-strewn campus and mentioned that he would have loved to study history at Princeton, where so much history has taken place.

A couple of weeks after reunions, my dear friend and fellow Roaring 20 alto (altoid), Letizia Allais (she's Italian but from France,) got married in the majestic Princeton chapel.  All she wanted was a small, outdoor wedding with her closest friends and family.  (Ya can't always get watcha want.)  I'm sure it was unbelievably beautiful.  Wes...what do you think about an east coast civil ceremony for our 5 year anniversary?  Is it too much?

Liam was happy to meet several of his Roaring 20 (a'cappella) aunts and uncles and he behaved himself quite well at our Friday evening dinner at Kalluri Corner (aka Calorie Corner.)  

From left to right: Matt (Char) Smith, Lydia Irwin, Juewon Khwarg

From left to right: Maggie Hoffman, Laura Abelson, Jason Kessler

One of my favs...Miss Laura Berner.  She absolutely FELL IN LOVE with my little guy.

And here are Bryan Oh and Lydia eating my baby.  Who can blame them?  Do you see that orange drink in the foreground?  It's a Mango Lassi and it's worth traveling to P-town just for that.

This was the first time Auntie Lyd got to hold Liam.  Very special moment.  She sang to him and he was hooked.

Liam was a little apprehensive when the random Indian guy begged to hold him.

This girl is a rockstar.  She took a break from memorizing everything there is to know about the medulla oblongata and sarcoidosis to pick my family up at the Philly airport in a thunderstorm.  Hopefully, her six hour break from studying to hang out with us didn't prevent her from ROCKING the Boards last week.  Thank you, Lidocaine!

Roaring 20 Class of 2005. All present and still awesome.

Every year at reunions, R20 has a Champagne Arch, where the past-and-present group get together and sing almost our entire repertoire for passersby in the acoustically-fantastic 1879 arch.  This event usually lasts from 11pm-2am, or later depending on the level of intoxication of said group members.  (They always reserve a Sparkling Cider for me and the one or two other teetotalers.)

Wes and I were SO disappointed that he didn't get to experience the Champagne Arch.  Liam was totally insane that night and had to go back to the hotel.  I left the arch early because he was refusing the bottle. Oh well, maybe next year.  It was heaven for me to get to sing with my group again.

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