Sunday, April 27, 2014

Unabashed Self-Congratulations

I was pretty excited the day I realized that I suddenly fit into my favorite size 6 jeans, the very ones I wore the day Weston proposed to me six years ago.  So excited, that I documented it on Facebook and received more "likes" than for the birth of either of my children.  (Why is that?!)  I had been doing Paleo on and off since Aiden was born, but really took it back up seriously in mid-February.  Since then, I've lost another ten pounds (half of that since these photos were taken) and am pretty much back to my normal, healthy weight.  I feel great!  I've been eating awesome food and didn't stress about exercise because let's be honest, being a mom of two under five counts as exercise!  

Yay for persistence!  Even better, my friend Zach Pearce and I started a Facebook group called Primal Instinct for people either interested in or living a primal life.  I've kind of been the ring-leader, posting recipes and inspiring articles and just generally trying to encourage my friends on this journey.  Plus, it has helped me be accountable for my own habits.  Several friends in our group have lost over twenty pounds in two short months.  I'm so proud!  I'm so grateful I have found what works for my body and am able to share the information with others.  

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