Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Project Green

I never thought this could contribute so much to my family's happiness, but it's amazing what a little green can do.  Wes and I bit the bullet this summer and embarked on a huge yard project.  While the landscaping will probably have to be put off until next year, we added grass to the front and back yards and what a difference it has made!  I'm serious, you guys, this makes me SO happy...







I know, right?  It's like a different house.  I don't want to sound ungrateful for what we already had...I literally look out of my windows each and every day and am awestruck by our many blessings.  But there is something about GREEN that says "life" to me, you know?   I bet the before pictures are what the pioneers must've seen before they turned the Salt Lake valley into an irrigated paradise...

"Mr. Tim" worked so hard on this project.  He became Liam's hero and every day Liam would want to mimic what he saw going on in the yard.  Mr. Tim has a skid steer?  Look!  I have something kind of like it!  

Liam helped Dadda and Mr. Tim dig trenches to lay the sprinklers.  And before you get your panties in a bunch for letting him near the window wells, know that we were always right there...never out of our sight.  Plus, he's a pretty fart smeller and takes it seriously when we say "don't go near that because you could break your head."  

And now for the HUGE thank-you's:  Troy, Marylynne, Calen and Cameron Buford, Papa John and his ward friend, Mike Wilton, David Blake...YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME.  Thank you so much for spending a Friday evening laying our sod!!  And to Weston, thanks for sacrificing part of your birthday for yard work :-)

We couldn't be happier with the result.  Aside from one little hiccup/ run-in with a truck going in reverse, it's perfect.  We love you, Derek, and thanks again for coming back with top soil on Labor Day!  All is well.    


Unknown said...

Leave the landscaping till next year? I don't know about you, but digging trenches, spreading top soil and laying sod sure felt like landscaping to me ;)

In the trenches, Liam worked behind me the whole day - wouldn't leave my side and threw a fit when it was nap time. That's my little hard worker!

Papa John said...

A fun project, at least in the end. Yes, the before and after, what a contrast. The desert now blooms like the rose.