Friday, May 25, 2012

Mamma's Boy

There are few things more eye-catching than a newborn baby.  Their movements as they adjust to their new bodies, the sparkle in their eyes, the slobber on their faces, the feeling you get when you hold them - they are literally a slice of heaven.

Which is exactly why Rachael and many women use them as unwitting billboards.  These expert marketers know that, if they have a captive audience, why not convey a message or two that glorifies their wonderful, loving, beautiful mothers?

The shirts started coming early in Liam's childhood, and have only increased with the years and babies.

"Mamma is a Rock Star"
"I get My Good Looks from my Mommy"
"Mamma's Boy"

are just a few of the many praises that our children carry of their mother.  Or my personal favorite,

"Daddy is the Boss

(at this point you may think Dadda is finally getting his due, but you'd be wrong)

"until Mamma comes home".

Mamma is the product, baby is the medium, and Dadda finances the whole thing.  However, of course - if you read Rachael's last post, you should recognize the blood sweat and tears they put into the project, so they're due a little payback.

Guest Blogger,


Rachael Charles said...

Okay, let's be clear. I can't remember the last time I bought a Mamma shirt. 99% of these were gifts! Someone else must think us Mamma's are okay, because WE DON'T BUY THEM. Thank you, Tracie, Aunt Sue...etc. I think the shirts need disclaimers on them!

But hey, I'm sure the boys appreciate my efforts in getting them here, so showing a little love probably doesn't bother them much ;-) said...
