Monday, June 4, 2012

Mother's Day/Dream

Mother's Day started out appropriately, at church with my Mamma.  I'm so proud of this lady.  As two type-A, "red" personalities, we've certainly had our run-ins, but I can pretty much say unequivocally that she's my best friend.  I'm lucky we live so close (2.5 minutes, to be exact) so that we can hang out as often as we can stand.  Her determination to get and stay healthy has been an inspiration to me.  She is rocking her 60s.  She has raised three pretty exceptional kids (often on her own because of my dad's deployments), if I do say so myself ;-)  And I can still depend on her to rescue me when I'm sick, exhausted, or simply need a hand (or shoulder.)  Love you, Mom.  Happy Mother's Day!

Sometimes I find myself wondering how I got here (Park City, great hubby, two darling boys, deliriously happy) in the same amount of time it took me to graduate from college.  (The jury is still out on which is the greater education.) It's mind-boggling, really.  On Mother's Day this year, I reveled in my career as a mom of an 8 week old and 2 1/2 year old-- the two most beautiful boys on the planet.  It just doesn't get better.



Heaven on earth is what it's called.


Papa John said...

Aiden looks so sharp in that little outfit! Liam, are you being a good big brother to your newest friend?

Rachael Charles said...

Liam is slowly evolving from ignoring Aiden as much as possible to acknowledging him from a distance. The more he realize that Aiden isn't here to replace him, the more he warms to him. Love them boys!