Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Father's Weekend 2013

I wouldn't be a mother without the father of my children.  And somehow I got lucky enough to get the BEST father-of-my-children a girl could ask for.  You wouldn't argue with that statement if you saw him in action...fathering.  Don't think I don't realize how rare it is to find a man who is 100% committed to fatherhood, to sharing in the everyday minutia of rearing two boys, to taking the "equal partners" thing seriously, to rough-housing, cleaning out curdled milk bottles, changing blowout diapers, rocking sick babies all hours of the night and showing an enormous capacity for love.  I really scored.  And the boys may not know it, but they did too.  Happy late Father's Day, my love!  Fatherhood suits you.  

We turned Father's Day into Father's Weekend since there are just so many dads to celebrate in the near vicinity.  We spent a good part of Saturday at Canyon Trails celebrating the Charles/Wilton dads.  (Now I know where Wes got his high-white-sock-wearing... The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, at least when it comes to fatherly fashion.)  

Oh, and there were cute mamas and future-mamas there too!  Because let's face it; every day is Mother's Day.

Fatherhood is exhausting.

That right there is a sandbox full of boys.  

I cannot handle this picture.  It's like Christmas every time I see this smile.  LOVE!

I hogged the baby a little.  I mean, look at her.  Stop the insanity!  

I love outdoor meals in the summertime.  A little watermelon, a little's the American dream.

After church on Sunday, Wes opened his Father's Day gifts in style.  

Favorite picture ever?  I love the men in my life, big and small.

You may have noticed that most of the pictures I've posted are contraband from Tracie.  I went on camera strike at the Father's Day dinners, both Charles and Rawson, because I just wanted, you know?  Suffice to say, I didn't get one non-iphone picture at the Rawson event and no one else documented.  I'm here as a witness to say that it really happened, it was fun, and I love my dad!  My favorite part of the Rawson dinner was sitting around the table listening to my dad tell stories of his childhood; he described his parents' core goodness but their weaknesses in showing encouragement and affection.  My dad learned all of that on the job.  It was just amazing to hear that someone's roots do not necessarily determine one's future.  My dad is my hero, period.


Papa John said...

You may have never seen it, but Wes was actually born with a mustache in his official hospital birth pic...great times all around on these two special days for Mother's and Father's...

Tracie said...

I love it. Totally take a day off with the camera...the quality may not be as good, but I will definitely pick up your slack. And when I forget my camera for the billionth can pick up mine! SO thankful for those awesome beach pics you took, after I deleted mine! And the mustachio pics....oh my gosh, sooooo cute.