Sunday, October 21, 2012

San Diego Family Adventure: Day 5

On the morning of Day 5, I spotted something adorable happening out on the patio, and the result was one of my favorite photos of all time...

Wes is happy that he finally has a kid who looks like him (or at least a little more than Liam does...)  Can you tell?

Grammy's's a good look.

Naturally, we spent a lot of time with my parents on this vacation.  It was our first time on a trip with anyone from the Rawson side of the family and I loved it.  They're excellent company!  And even better, Wes and I are STILL married!  Nothing wrong with a little father-in-law/son-in-law bonding time...Aren't they cute?

First stop on Day 5 was Historic Old Town where we ate lunch at Cafe Coyote and perused the street vendors.  Wes bought a Lucha Libre mask for Halloween.  Fantastico!  Can't wait to see that one on October 31.  Can you say "eh-stretchy pants?"

Aiden had carrots for the first time.  He liked 'em. 

Another first for Aiden: dancing!  I think it's hilarious that his first dance was to Mexican mariachi music.  Liam's first song was "Our House" by Madness.  It's amazing the different tastes two brothers can have. 

Our last stop in Old Town was an old Spanish school that was originally a ranch style home for some of the original Spanish settlers in the area.  I LOVE this style of architecture and design.  Too bad saltillo tile doesn't really go in a rustic mountain setting.  

1 comment:

Grammy said...

It WAS a fun adventure, wasn't it, Rach!!? And, how sweet it is when Liam asks, "Grammy, remember when we went to the beach at California... and remember when we sleeped in the hotel... and I came to see you and Papa right through the door?" Ahhh... warms our hearts!!! So, so fun to spend that time with all of you!!! We will treasure the sweet memories of those days always... XOXOX