Thursday, August 16, 2012

Liam Lately

I know a little toddler who weighs approximately forty-two pounds, speaks better than some adults I know, thinks anyone wearing a skirt or ruffles is a princess, and enjoys exotic foods like curry, wasabi seaweed, artichokes (party-chokes) and hummus.  He sleeps in a twin bed and knows how to use the potty chair, but is boycotting it for the time being on principle.  Liam Rawson Charles is curious, empathetic, witty, playful, defiant, a hard worker, opinionated, social and loving.  He amazes me every single day.  Did I mention he's defiant?  I'm not sure how defiance correlates to high levels of intelligence, but allegedly it does.  I'll be happy when this defiant type of intelligence translates into the obedient, self-preserving kind.  Oy vey.

Liam can tell you his home address and can name many of the major roads in the area.  "Mamma, are we on I-80?"  He knows left from right and can spell several words including STOP and his name.  He can tell you the beginning letter of nearly any word.  Try to stump him, but don't be mean and ask him words like "shoe" or "church."  Are there such things as academic scholarships for Pre-School?  

Liam knows exactly what to do in most social situations.  After a long shopping trip at Costco, Liam got thirsty so he took it upon himself to go up to the food counter, stood on his tiptoes to barely see over it and asked the cashier, "Excuse me, can I buy some water?"  At the park, he'll often go up to other children and say, "Hi, my name is Liam.  What's your name?  Do you want to play with me?"  The boy is not shy.  We may need to have the stranger-danger conversations soon.

And now, here is a sampling of Liam-isms, for your enjoyment.  You have to pay attention to realize what he's saying and remember that he really is just a two year old.  All of the following were unprompted.  
"Did you know that?  Isn't that amazing?"  
"Is that Mitt Romney?"  
"Thank you for taking me to No Worries, Dammy."  
"You're a very nice Mamma."  
When Wes tried on sunglasses at Costco:  "Dadda, you look beautiful!"  
"You wanna build something with me?  How about a motorcycle?  You gotta get the instructions!"  
"It appears to be summer."  
"That's a really good looking Jeep!" (And it really was a Jeep.)  
"Grammy, can I help you poo-shay?"  (crochet)
"Mmm, very refreshing."  
"That's SO interesting." 
"My bangs are not handsome." 
"I'm lucky to have fun toys." 
"Mamma, you're a great chef!"
Liam: "I'm looking for insects."  Papa: "An ant is an insect."  Liam:  "I'm looking for centipedes and millipedes." 
Leaving Papa's house where he was doing some landscaping:  "Enjoy your bushes, Papa!"
"It didn't work, doggonit."
During the Olypmics:  "We're rooting for America.  YAY, America!"
7/31/12- After looking into Grammy's nail polish drawer, "Oh, that reminds me of college."
8/5/12- After Wes bore his testimony in church, Liam said loudly in the front of the chapel, "Did you do a good job talking, Dadda?"
"I insist that I take a bath."

His favorite activities include reading, riding his tricycle, blowing bubbles, taking baths, digging, building blocks and swinging.  He also loves painting and drawing (his likenesses of snakes are especially realistic.)  

Some of my favorite moments are when Liam says prayers.  He is thankful for every little thing..."Thank you for Clifford the Big Red Dog; thank you for magazines..."  "We're thankful for milk and rocks and spray bottles and grass."  Why discriminate?  

Did I mention Liam's obsession with spray bottles?  THE BEST invention known to man.

He helps Mamma water all of the plants in the house and takes pride in his work.  His favorite plant is the Money Tree in the "bistro,"  which we now call the Magic Beanstalk.  It's so physically taxing that sometimes he stops to take a little water break himself...

Completely exhausting yet entertaining, strong-willed yet cuddly, Liam is nothing less than extraordinary.  If we could only slow down this growing up process just a little...

Mamma loves you, Baby Liam!

1 comment:

Ashley and TJ said...

Liam is absolutely precious!! I can't believe how smart he is. I rarely hear phrases like that from grown adults, let alone toddlers. So cute. :)