Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hypocrisy in Park City

The other day at yoga, I parked next to a car with this bumper sticker, which, on its own, I have little problem with:

However, it was placed right next to this one, among some other antagonistic, conservative-bashing intimations:

Does anyone else find this a bit ironic?  Don't get me wrong, I'm not a huge Palin-fan, but come on, people!  Get your message straight.  I can't decide if this is a conversation starter or stopper.  I'm probably already friends with the person, or at the least coexisting with him/her.  Maybe some conversations are not even worth having, eh?


Unknown said...

Really, what's the other alternative? To co-not-exist? I think the co-exist slogan is idiocy. I mean, the only way it applies is in the case of war - it's the "can't we live with these folks without shooting them?" mentality. "I don't agree with you, I don't like you, but I've decided I don't need to kill you" - it's a simplistic mindset. More like, "I know you hate that I breathe. I know you opress women. I know that you are plotting to destroy me. I know you hate democracy and would like to dominate and torture others who disagree with you. I know you have the potential for killing millions of people in a nuclear age. However, I would like to CO-EXIST with you." More like stick your head in the sand and pretend everything is love and peace.

Rachael Charles said...

Okay, I agree, but you have to admit that people who plaster something like that on their bumper are most likely coming from a good place, however misguided they may be. I'm trying to judge by their intent, and then maybe I can convince them to replace it with something less idiotic one day, like "Freedom is Not Free," or something...